Thursday, June 3, 2010


So after 24 hours, 5 movies, 4 airplane meals I finally made it to Singapore. It is 2:00 am and I’m exhausted so I went straight to me hostel, the Fern Loft. When flying westward during the day, you move with the sun, so it stayed light for a very long time. I went to reach for my sunglasses (to cover my eyes for a nap) which were hanging on my search collar (true California fashion), but they weren’t there. NO Way. First my wallet, and now my sunglasses. So, it doesn’t take a genius to know that if I boarded the plan with my sunglasses, they have to still be on the plane somewhere. I looked all around, under my seat, checked the bathroom, nothing. With more than half the people on the plane speaking very little English, I decided to draw a picture to illustrate my issue.

Sure enough, someone from a few row back found them on the ground. I started feeling better after that. And now that I’m on the ground, it feels a lot better. I’m quite in the traveler’s state of mind just yet, but soon enough.