Research Topic


One of the biggest challenges that architects and urban designers face in today’s world is the realization that high population density posses both benefits and problems to urban life. It is increasingly noticeable that future development will focus on densely populated urban centers, yet often times design solutions in this context are overwhelmed with a functionalist agenda and thus result in stark uninviting places. With sustainable principles, we work under the notion that High density design will work in favor of conserving energy, preserving existing open space, and creating vibrant cityscapes. However, there are concerns such as human health conditions and concentration of waste that can accompany high density. It would be beneficial to find solutions that strike a balance with density and healthy environmental conditions; for designers to implement functional urban strategies that speak a human language.


Asia has some of the most densely populated cities on earth. The ancient History of the region is juxtaposed with the increasing need to modernize and update infrastructure to support the exponential growth. I am curious to see how architects have attempted to address the issue of population density in Asian cities, and what urban strategies prove to be successful vs. unsuccessful. This is why I propose A Journey through Eastern Asia, to see how a culture very different from my own has attempted to solve issues of population density and urbanism as they relate to architecture and sustainable design. The experience of which, will undoubtedly impact my vision as a designer.

Pre-Trip research structure

i. Geography and Eastern Culture

ii. Political and Economic Structures

iii. The Built Environment as a reflection of These Forces

               a. Domestic and Vernacular

               b. The Garden

               c. The High Rise

               d. Integrated Technology
