Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Packing for 10 weeks can be bit overwhelming. On one hand you figure ‘I must take everything – I must be prepared” while on the other hand, being over there for such a long time it is nearly impossible to account for everything prior to the trip. Well, I tried. Considering the amount of ground I will be covering, I wanted everything to mobile, out of the back pack.

I checked, double checked, triple checked. And it wasn’t until I was more than half way up to LAX, (coming from San Diego) before I realized I was missing one thing. My wallet. Perhaps it was just the one thing I over looked because it doesn’t belong in the pack. I don’t know, I can’t explain.

Well… Dad Came to rescue – He Dropped everything, met my brother at the park and ride to grab my wallet, charged up Highway 5 to the 405, getting to LAX in the nick of time. I was sweating bullets, pulling my hair out, all of the above. The airport staff was able to expedite the wallet pass security and rush it up to the boarding gate. It all came together. Quite incredible.

So I took this as a lesson to stop and think. You know, keep my feet on the ground. Even though, right now I am 32,000 up in the air.

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