Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tokyo, Japan

I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge by now, but the Japanese Rail system in incredibly efficient. The metro system of Tokyo follows suit. The above ground rail line is layered with the underground, with each connecting station having an extensive network of pathways and spaces for people in motion.

Tokyo was heavily bombed in World War 2 which gives cause to its modern atmosphere. Its is a massive, almost sprawling Urban center, with various sub centers that each carry there own significance. Though not as dense as Hong Kong, Tokyo has a similar nature in that it appears to have been formed organically by free market decisions.

Many of the smaller side streets don't have sidewalks appearing to have no side setbacks for buildings, and after-work-hour pedestrian traffic renders these streets closed to motor vehicles. Yet it is still genuine urban space with all of its unpredictability's, as apposed to a planned pedestrian mall.

I visited Tokyo University's Department of Architecture. It was funny to see a studio that was actually more messy that Cal Poly's. I always seem to manifest some good reading material when I visit an architecture department. :)

Tokyo is the last stop on my journey, and this will be my last  blog post from the Road. Thank you to all who have supported me and followed along through this experience. Its has been remarkable to say the least. And though this may be the end of journey, but there is much more to come.