Thursday, June 17, 2010

Khao Lak, Thailand

I am now 2 hours north of Phuket, in the coastal town of Khao Lak. Before I left the states, I became pen pals with a Surf shop owner over here. He also runs surf lessons and rents bungalows right on the beach. To get to the site, it is a Two mile off road car trek through an elephant sanctuary.

Right now is the off season for tourism, but the best time of year to surf. Even then, the surf in Thailand is so-so compared to other places around the world, but to the locals, it’s all you need.

I am the only “non thai” person staying in the Bungalows as of right now. Ching, the owner, has friends staying over and they help to maintain the place and make improvements before tourist season. They are also in the middle of switching surf shop locations. So after some discussion over a surf session – Ching and I came to terms. I could help him out with some things around the camp and at the shop and he would knock some off my rent.

So I painted this wall mural in the new surf shop. Yes, it was my idea. But everybody likes it. So far, Thailand is pretty cool : )


  1. it looks like you're having an amazing trip. did you feed the elephant some peanuts? hehe :)

  2. im digging that sweet bungalow you're staying in and that white stalking you sleep in.
