Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Phuket, Thailand

My first stay in Southern Thailand is on the island of Phuket. Phuket is the largest island in Thailand, and bost some of the world best beaches. The main industry here is tourism, and being such, I cant seem to walk far with out a local taxi driving chirping “ Hey were you go? You need Taxi?”

This personal transportation option is not the best option. First off, the vehicle is a moped. NO helmet, nothing. Just jump on the back and go. Plus, they ask for way too much money. The Mini-bus however ( a pick up truck converted to have a cover and benches in the back) is cheap, fun and naturally air conditioned.

The beaches are beautiful. Words cannot do it justice. If you have seen the Movie “the Beach,” starring Leonardo Dicaprio, it was filmed on a nearby smaller island. The landscape is truly surreal.

This is the lagoon from "the Beach." The island's actuall name is Phi Phi (pronounced PEE - PEE )

This leg of the trip was full well planned to be unlike any other part. Were most of the time I will be in cities, high desnsity and full on compleling architecture, My southern Thailand experience was meant to be one of culture. I am going to try to relaxing and examine the lifestyle of the Thai people outside the city.

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