Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Angkor, Cambodia

For the last three days I have been trekking through and exploring the amazing collection of archeological sites at Angkor, Cambodia. Angkor is the ancient capital of the Khmer empire which was the leading civilization in South East Asia from 9th century to 13th century AD. The collection of temples and monuments collectively occupy an area of over 77 square kilometers.

This Location in Cambodia was chosen for its fertile lands and proximity to a large inland lake. Khmers used aqua duct irrigation in combination with a number of water reserves in and around the temples which manifested themselves in the form of motes and reflection pools.

The most iconic form of the architecture is the “mountain temple.” The mythology and ideals of Hinduism inspire these vaulted pyramid forms which are meant to be symbolic of Mt. Meru. Symmetry and axial views inform the planning of these temples and complexes, with concentric courtyards adding layers of progression.

Each structure is lavishly adorned with different deities depicting the cosmology and folklore of Hindu culture. And while the flamboyant details are unique to the culture, time and place, I can also draw similarities seen in the architecture of other civilizations pre dating the Khmer Empire.

The Order, repetition and symmetry of these temple cities seem to draw upon architecture form Mesopotamia – as if high civilization moved east as well as west. Because in fact, the Khmer Empire is was an expansion of civilizations from India. I find myself trying to make these connections, attempting to piece together the facts to reveal how the world architecture came to be.

These temples and ruins provide an almost surreal setting where nature has continued to grow long after the inhabitants of these ancient structures have gone. Cambodians still regard the sites as religious institutions and treat the greater Angkor area as a national park.

The world Heritage sites of Angkor are profound my any means. They provide and in depth look at an ancient society that shaped the culture of a region.

1 comment:

  1. The Ancient temples look so mythical! It is extraordinarily amazing to comprehend there existence.
