Monday, July 12, 2010

Hong Kong

My first impression of Hong Kong is WOW! TO sit in awe at the skyline surrounding Victoria Harbor , one cannot help but to impressed with what mankind has accomplished. And in Hong Kong, it has truly been an international collaboration to build this metropolis.

With a Population of over 7 million and an average density of more than 6,000 people per square kilometer it is one of the most densely populated places in the world. And amazingly, unlike most great cities of the world, Hong Kong developed almost entirely with out any political will. The cities development was driven solely by commerce, and as a result, it is jam packed with unpredictable nuances that only a free market enterprise would allow for.

Rather than large formal open spaces found in many political capitals, the public domain of hong Kong lies in its vast network of inter modal transit, retail and pedestrian corridors. There are seemingly three street levels with in central hong kong: A sub-terrian level, open air ground level ( with auto traffic) and a "plaza level" (raised above the ground that directly connects the central atrium's of all the high rises). All three levels seamlessly connect with flowing pedestrian traffic.

Right now Hong Kong's relationship with China (since the 1997 relinquishment by the Brits) is "one nation - Two systems " . Before 97' Hong Kong had an open door policy to immigration (mostly Chinese ), which in combination with booming commerce led to such high densities.There are some parts of the city that could be considered the "best example of globalization in progress". For the most part, HK has dealt with these densities with High Rise apartment blocks, much like the "towers in the park" scheme of Le' corbusier. Whatever your aesthetic opinion maybe, in this case they seem to be quite successful at full filing their function

I was able to go to Hong Kong University and see the Thesis exhibits of the masters of architecture program . I always enjoy seeing what peers are working on and what they produce. Daisy Yiu , Cal Poly arch. class of '09, now lives in hong Kong and was kind enough to show me parts of hong kong most foreigners don't get to see. It has been fun traveling during the world cup, getting to see each city in an excited social form.

Many internationally renowned firms hold ans office in hong Kong, SOM, OMA and Foster and Partners to name a few. All have built works in the city as well. Hong Kong is by any definition a modern Mega city and could be considered a capital of a global society if there is such a thing. I found a quote by Foster about Hong Kong.. " Hong Kong might be the most interesting place I've ever been. I never Thought I would be in a city that made New York look like a Sunday Afternoon. "

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